Molecules I’ve Ingested: Ibogaine, Plant Meds for Addictions – a Hurricane of Veganism

In this new Podcast called “Molecules I’ve Ingested” you should find something quite unexpected, hilarious, and educational. Each episode features a crazy story about different molecules I’ve tried, from legal to illegal. Mostly the latter. Anyway, episode 4 is: “Ibogaine, Plant Medicine for Addictions, and a Hurricane of Veganism”. This is the full story of my first Ibogaine ceremony with an amazing guide in Mexico. Enjoy!

Here are some notes from the episode:

Ayahuasca and Hitler Episode
Kambo Episode 
Ibogaine scientific paper on safety 
Right of Passage Iboga Documentary (a focus on getting off substances and how traditional detox centers don’t work as well as Ibogaine)

Other notes from Trey that I may have forgotten to mention in the pod:

– Even though my “whole” experience was 7 days, as you will hear, the ibogaine treatment can get done in just one day. I believe more typical is 2-3 days.
– As of the time of writing this, it’s been almost a year since the ibogaine, and it still seems to be working its magic… no alcohol or any desire… of course, I still do enjoy the occasional psychedelics and other goodies! 🙂 
– We are working on perhaps building a network of Ibogaine treatment facilities in New Zealand. Ibogaine is legal in NZ, and there will be a network of providers and people that provide quite a lot of needed healing in the area for those that want it.
– Oh, and be sure to check out the Machine Elf website if you want to see some of these visual meditations we’ve been building!
– I still think White Lotus is overrated. 

Other Useful links…

Trey’s Insta

Harriet’s Insta


Note that almost everything I talk about in these pods is illegal in most countries. I am not advising you to try anything and I am advising you to talk to your doctor first. Doctors have heard everything so they will give you a second opinion. I notice there is a huge lack of education out there because many of these things are illegal, so that causes people to not dose the right way, to get their drugs from unscrupulous people, to not be part of the right setting and mindset. I mention this warning in each podcast, so get used to it. I’ll be very honest in the podcast and be clear when I’m changing the names of people or locations for two reasons: 1) I want to experience all these mind-expanding and heart-opening experiences in places where it is legal (an important part of mindset) and 2) I want to protect friends and stories of friends by changing their names when they ask as a favor. For example, episode 1 is a great one about when I saw a shaman in New Zealand to imbibe the poison of the Amazonian Desert Toad in the Kambo ceremony. This is totally legal, believe it or not. So yes, I take a few extra steps to communicate these things because they are important and I want everyone out there to both take care of themselves and move towards consciousness.